
*Green and Gamma Team members are listed in bold font.

Ahalt SC, Chute CG, Fecho K, Glusman G, Hadlock J, Solbrig H, Overby-Taylor C, Pfaff E, Ta C, Tatonetti N, Weng C,* and The NCATS Biomedical Data Translator Consortium. Clinical data: sources and types, regulatory constraints, applications. Clin Transl Sci, 2019;12(4):329-333. doi:10.1111/cts.12638. *Authors are listed alphabetically. [K. Fecho, lead author].

Austin CP, Colvis CM, Southall NT. Deconstructing the translational tower of babel. Clin Transl Sci 2019;12(2):85. doi:10.1111/cts.12595.

Bizon C, Cox S, Balhoff J, Kebede Y, Wang P, Morton K, Fecho K, Tropsha A. ROBOKOP KG AND KGB: Integrated Knowledge Graphs from Federated Sources. J Chem Inf Model 2019 Dec 23;59(12):4968–4973. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00683.

Bizon C,* Fecho K,* Cox S, Balhoff J, Kebede Y, Wang P, Morton K, Ahalt SC, Tropsha A. Application of a biomedical question-answering system to support reasoning on MCAT questions. AMIA 2020 Annual Symposium, November 2020, conference paper [proceedings are in press]. *Authors contributed equally to the work.

Bradford KC, Bizon C, Morris E, Graff M, Wang Y, North KE, Gordon-Larsen P. Integrative analysis of obesity GWAS and MWAS reveals explanatory metabolic patterns. Poster presentation, INSS 2019.

Cox S, Ahalt SC, Balhoff J, Bizon C, Fecho K, Kebede Y, Morton K, Tropsha A, Wang P, Xu H. TranQL: an interactive query and visualization environment for federated knowledge graphs. JMIR Medical Informatics, under review.

Cox S,* Ahalt SC, Balhoff J, Bizon C, Fecho K, Kebede Y, Morton K, Tropsha A, Wang P, Xu H. Visualization environment for federated knowledge graphs: development of an interactive biomedical query language and web application interface. JMIR Med Inform 2020;8(11):e17964. doi:10.2196/17964. *Apart from the first author, all other authors are listed in alphabetical order.

Cox S, Xu H, Fecho K, Bizon C, Tropsha A, Ahalt S. TranQL: A Query Language and Interactive Visualization Tool for Reasoning across Clinical and Biomedical Knowledge Graphs. Conference paper and poster presentation, AMIA 2020 Informatics Summit, March 2020 [conference proceedings are in press].

Fecho K,* Ahalt SC, Appold S, Arunachalam S, Pfaff E, Stillwell L, Valencia A, Xu H, Peden D. Factors influencing asthma exacerbations revealed through application of an open tool for sharing and exploring integrated clinical and environmental data. JACI, in preparation. *Apart from the first and last author, all other authors are listed in alphabetical order.

Fecho K,* Arunachalum S, Champion J, Chute CG, Gersing K, Glusman G, Hadlock J, Lee J, Pfaff E, Robinson M, Sid E, Ta C, Xu H, Zhu R, Zhu Q, Peden DB, and The Biomedical Data Translator Consortium. Sex, obesity, diabetes, and exposure to particulate matter: scientific insights revealed by analysis of open clinical data sources during a five day hackathon. J Biomed Inform 2019;100:103325 [Special Communication]. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103325. *Apart from the first/lead and last/senior author, all other authors are listed in alphabetical order.

Fecho K,* Balhoff J, Bizon C, Byrd WE, Hang S, Koslicki D, Rensi SE, Schmitt P, Wawer MJ, Williams M, Ahalt SC. Application of MCAT questions as a testing tool and evaluation metric for knowledge graph–based reasoning systems. Clin Transl Sci, in press. *Apart from the first and last authors, all other authors are listed in alphabetical order.

Fecho K*, Bizon C, Miller FW, Schurman S, Schmitt C, Xue W, Morton K, Wang P, Tropsha A. Application of the ROBOKOP biomedical knowledge graph system to propose mechanistic hypotheses for real-world environmental health observations. JMIR Med Inform, accepted for publication (April 27, 2021). doi: 10.2196/preprints.26714 [preprint]. *Apart from the first/lead and last/senior author, all other authors are listed in alphabetical order.

Fecho, K, Bizon C, Miller FW, Schurman S, Schmitt C, Xue W, Wang P, Morton K, Cox S, Tropsha A. Use of the open ROBOKOP knowledge graph–based application to provide mechanistic explanations for observed associations between environmental exposures and immune-mediated diseases. AMIA 2020 Annual Symposium, November 2020, conference paper [proceedings are in press].

Fecho K, Garantziotis S, Krishnamurthy A, Pfaff E, Schmitt C, Schurman S, Shuptrine S, Xu H, Ahalt A. Open integrated analysis of multi-institutional data using ICEES. Conference paper and poster presentation, AMIA 2021 Informatics Summit [conference proceedings in press].

Fecho K,* Haaland P, Krishnamurthy A, Lan B, Schmitt PL, Sharma P, Sinha M, Xu H. Development and Application of an open approach for multivariate analysis of integrated clinical and environmental exposures data. JAMIA, in preparation. *Authors are listed in alphabetical order.

Fecho K,* Hadlock J, Ta C, Xu H, Zhu R, Zhu Q, Arunachalum S, Champion J, Chute CG, Gersing K, Glusman G, Lee J, Pfaff E, Robinson M, Sid E, Peden DB and The Biomedical Data Translator Consortium. Sex, obesity, diabetes, and exposure to particulate matter: scientific insights revealed by analysis of open clinical data sources during a five day hackathon. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2019;100:103325. doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103325. *Apart from the first/lead and last/senior authors, all other authors are listed in alphabetical order.

Fecho K, Pfaff E, Xu H, Champion J, Cox S, Stillwell L, Bizon C, Peden D, Krishnamurthy A, Tropsha A, Ahalt SC. A novel approach for exposing and sharing clinical data: the Translator Integrated Clinical and Environmental Exposures Service. JAMIA 2019;26(10):1064-1073. doi:10.1093/jamia/ocz042.

Korn D, Bobrowski T, Li M, Kebede Y, Wang P, Owen P, Vaidya G, Muratov E, Chirkova R, Bizon C, Tropsha A. COVID-KOP: integrating emerging COVID-19 data with the ROBOKOP database. Bioinformatics, 2021 May 1;37(4):586-587. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa718.

Korn D, Thieme AJ, Yeakey M, Alves VM, Borba JVVB, Capuzzi SJ, Fecho K, Bizon C, Chirkova R, Colvis CM, Southall NT, Austin CP, Muratov EN, Tropsha A. Defining clinical outcome pathways. Nat Rev Drug Discov, under peer review.

Morton K, Wang P, Bizon C, Cox S, Balhoff, Kebede Y, Fecho K, Tropsha A. ROBOKOP: an abstraction layer and user interface for knowledge graphs to support question answering. Bioinformatics, 2019:btz604. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz604.

Pfaff ER, Champion J, Bradford RL, Clark M, Xu H, Fecho K, Krishnamurthy A, Cox S, Chute CG, Overby Taylor C, Ahalt S. Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) as a meta model to integrate common data models: development of a tool and quantitative validation study. JMIR Med Inform 2019;7(4):e15199. doi: 10.2196/15199.

Pfaff ER, Champion J, Cox S, Xu H, Fecho K, Krishnamurthy A, Chute CG, Overby Taylor C, Ahalt S. All roads lead to FHIR: an extensible clinical data conversion pipeline. Conference paper and podium presentation, AMIA 2019 Informatics Summit, March 25-28, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA.

The Biomedical Data Translator Consortium. The Biomedical Data Translator program: conception, culture, and community. Clin Transl Sci 2019;12(2):86–90. doi:10.1111/cts.12592. [K Fecho, lead author; SC Ahalt, DB Peden, A Tropsha, key contributors]

The Biomedical Data Translator Consortium. Toward a universal biomedical data translator. Clin Transl Sci 2019;12(2):91–94. doi:10.1111/cts.12591. [K. Fecho, lead author; SC Ahalt, senior author; J Balhoff, C Bizon, S Cox, DB Peden, key contributors]

Valencia A, Stillwell L, Appold S, Arunachalam S, Cox S, Xu H, Schmitt CP, Schurman SH, Garantziotis S, Xue W, Ahalt SC, Fecho K. Translator Exposure APIs: open access to data on airborne pollutant exposures, roadway exposures, and socio-environmental exposures and use case application. IJERHP 2020;17(14):5243.

Xu H, Cox S, Stillwell L, Pfaff E, Champion J, Ahalt SC, Fecho K. FHIR PIT: an open software application for spatiotemporal integration of clinical data and environmental exposures data. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2020;20:article 53. doi: 10.21203/rs.2.19633/v1.

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